You have fun, I enjoy. You show off, I compete. You never seem to get
satisfied; I find every way to satisfy myself. You make fun and I find a
way to have fun. This is what makes me different from you. This is why I
get every piece of me to back away from you. And it is true that I
resent you.
Your kind disgusts me and so do you. I see you have wanted me somewhere deep down but the only difference is that I don’t. I show what I am; like the clear stream of water I want to be transparent. You; you are a puzzle, indeed a unique one; unresolved in yourself. When you can’t even solve yourself, how can I? I am not anticipating your response, it’s just that I want you to understand the difference in us and that the only bond that can exist between us is HATE!!!
Your kind disgusts me and so do you. I see you have wanted me somewhere deep down but the only difference is that I don’t. I show what I am; like the clear stream of water I want to be transparent. You; you are a puzzle, indeed a unique one; unresolved in yourself. When you can’t even solve yourself, how can I? I am not anticipating your response, it’s just that I want you to understand the difference in us and that the only bond that can exist between us is HATE!!!